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HomeProductsUniVent Layer: The ideal system for laying hens

UniVent Layer: The ideal system for laying hens

Main Advantages

In true best-seller style, UniVent Layer meets and exceeds our customers' high standards for laying birds, keeping birds healthy and improving laying performance.  Take a look at some of the key elements UniVent provides farmers:

  1. Opticoat provides the ideal covering for all wire and sheet metal parts.
  2. Easy access to birds reduces the stress of moving them in and out of the cage.
  3. A step access trough with an inward rim reduces feed losses.
  4. 2 nipples for easy access to water.
  5.  A trough-shaped manure belt is used for clean transport during manure removal.
  6. Optional air duct that reduces ammonia emissions.

Extensive testing has shown that the special Big Dutchman suspension for cage bottoms makes the floor of the UniVent cage very elastic: eggs roll quickly but smoothly to the egg channel. This reduces the risk of hairline cracks and dirt to a minimum.

Main Advantages

  • the proven UniVent system is the perfect basis for profitable, high-quality egg production;
  • high functional reliability of all supply and removal systems (feed, water, egg belts, manure);
  • stable design;
  • trouble-free assembly from three to twelve tiers with catwalks;
  • the entire cage front is easily opened thanks to a sliding grid: welfare-friendly moving in and out of the birds;
  • OptiCoat protects against corrosion, thus increasing the system’s service life;
  • the cage bottoms have a mesh size of 1" x 1.5" and a slope of only 12 % or 7° and rest on tension wires, which ensures excellent egg quality;
  • manure belt ventilation (optional) dries the manure optimally, thus keeping ammonia emissions low and producing spreadable and storage-stable dry manure.

UniVent is a trademark for quality and customer satisfaction and has been for decades.

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