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HomeProductsBig Dutchman Big Packer: Because Every Egg is Precious

Big Dutchman Big Packer: Because Every Egg is Precious

Main Advantages of BigPacker

Here at Big Dutchman, we understand that every egg is precious and the fewer breakages the more profitable your layer farm.  As a result, the Big Dutchman Big Packer minimises breakages with quality components and calibration to ensure the maximum number of eggs possible make it into the egg trays.

BigPacker, is a high-quality farm packer providing a high net efficiency as well as very smooth handling of eggs.  BigPacker is available in three sizes and an automatic tray stacker as an option as well.

Main Advantages

  • high net efficiency: no waiting for the sixth egg to complete a row of the tray;
  • the thought-out technology can be operated by just one person;
  • gentle handling of the eggs all the way to the tray;
  • use of high-quality materials, such as stainless steel and industrial plastics;
  • simple control and management system;
  • easy access to areas that need to be cleaned or maintained;
  • uniform and compact size (4.33 x 2.50 m), straight or with 180° curve;
  • worldwide service network;
  • long service life.
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BigPacker egg packing efficiency.
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